Pictures of Daisy Chain Preschool

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Daisy Chain January to March 2021

Some more children returned to Daisy Chain after the Christmas break and from March 8th when all the school age children returned to their class rooms we were back to our normal capacity.

Previous Covid arrangements continue to apply.

Children are being dropped off and collected at the back door. Hand gel and hand washing and social distancing continues to be of great importance. 

We have been looking at various topics since Christmas and have had a range of activities based on Longleat and animals, Mother's day, independence skills and self care. 

We shared pictures of our snowmen and Sarah made us a story video filmed in her snowy garden.

We were very excited to find frog spawn in the pond in February. The children can't wait for the tadpoles to appear.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Daisy Chain Summer 2019

Well World Bee Day was exciting with the arrival of a swarm of bees. 2 local bee keepers came to our rescue. The bees had only been in the hedge over the weekend but had already made honeycomb. 

We had honey cakes for snack and treid out some bee themed activities.

We had a slide for the garden donated to us
which has been much enjoyed by the children.

Some of the children were very interested in playing with dinosaurs and enjoyed exploring these areas.

We said farewell and thank you to Norma who retired after 20 years of working as a Daisy Lady. Norma was presented with cards and gifts to celebrate her time with us.

Daisy Chain September 2018 to  Spring 2019

 We welcomed our new arrivals and their parents and carers in the Autumn term by having 2 induction days at the beginning of September before the older children returned.

The Mud Kitchen built by Staff member Norma and her husband Nick continues to bring delight and learning to all the children. Mixing potions and mud pies, sorting resources, using utensils and working together contributes to every area of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We celebrated the 1 year anniversary of our Outstanding OFSTED report at the beginning of March 2019. 

We held our annual Easter celebration in the church. As usual the Easter Bonnet display made everyone smile.

Our garden developments continued  in the spring with the digging of a new pond and a small bog garden. We were too late for tadpoles this year but are hopeful for Spring 2020 as some frogs have now made the pond their home.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Daisy the Hedgehog

Daisy The hedgehog found in the Daisy Chain garden in the autumn is growing well.

Up to Christmas

The School year is whizzing by. During the autumn terms we explored the theme of  The Forest we thought about Bears and the Gruffalo amongst other things. A little hedgehog was found in the Daisy Chain garden.
We all enjoyed our usual Christmas activities. The Nativity play and Christmas party and a trip to Westbury Infant School to see the reception children in their play. 

 Gruffalo Crumble for snacks yum yum!
Gruffalo cakes .

Pictures of Bears

'Cooking' in the garden

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Daisy Chain in September

During our 2 induction days at the beginning of term we welcomed our new arrivals and their families.
The key persons inducted their new key children explaining the routines and layout and learnt about their children.

Sarah had bought some new toys for the children to use. Here is Ginger Bear trying some of them out .

Having access to the new top garden is amazing there is so much more room for everyone to play.

The new book corner is so cosy and relaxing, perfect for snuggling up with a book.

At Daisy Chain we have been improving our awareness and understanding of British Values  and our Prevent Duty. At Daisy Chain the British Values are experienced by  the children throughout their sessions through teaching and modelling by adults. The British Values are Democracy, The rule of Law, Indivudal Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of different Faiths and Beliefs.

 We have been exploring activities based on the theme of hoildays.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Daisy Chain April to July 2015

We had a very busy summer at Daisy Chain.
 During the week nearest Father's day dads, uncles and grandads popped in to play.

We enjoyed learning about different countries from around the world. Especially the day we explored Turkey with tasty cheese rolls and baklava baked by one of the Dads who came to visit and tell us all about the country. We also explored lots of other countries visiting a new one each day sampling snacks from the area and trying out activities from The Netherlands, China and Italy to name but a few.

Later in the term we read the story of Noah's Ark and tried out colour mixing, painting rainbows,making boats and we tasted snacks of every colour.

Near the end of term 6 we explored physical activities from threading to football skills.

We were all very excitied when the new top lawn was fenced and there was room to really run about.

At the end of term we said  farewell to our leavers who were moving on to 'Big School' with an end of term party at Splodges Soft play in Westbury.